Contact Berseba Farm
- Drive on the N2 towards George
- After passing through Botrivier, continue on the N2 for 15.1 km
- Turn right onto Swartrivier Rd (turnoff to Gabriëlskloof Wine Estate)
- Continue on the dirt road for 4.9 km
- Turn left just after the low water bridge
- Continue on the dirt road for 2 km until Berseba Farm on the right, opposite water tanks on the left
- Look out for signs 'Berseba Farm'
- Drive on the N2 towards Cape Town
- After passing through Caledon, continue on the N2 for 16 km
- Turn left onto Swartrivier Rd (turnoff to Gabriëlskloof Wine Estate)
- Continue on the dirt road for 4.9 km
- Turn left just after the low water bridge
- Continue on the dirt road for 2 km until Berseba Farm on the right, opposite water tanks on the left
- Look out for signs 'Berseba Farm'